Wednesday, June 29, 2011

N. Sydney to newfoundland by ferry

Our ferry to Newfoundland began boarding at 9 A.M. We had a great breakfast with some other travelers from all over at the B&B where we were staying. Heather, the owner was very nice and her elderly mother who also lives there was sweet too. The ferry was right across the road so we did not have far to go. While waiting in the line we met some nice folks from PA. They were  planning to cover some of the same areas we were going. The ferry would take 5 hours (11:30 - 4:30) not including loading and unloading. We had reservations to stay at a B&B just north of Port aux Basque, but Cleve decided that instead we would follow the PA folks and get further north. We planned to stop at Corner Brook but all the hotels were booked. We then continued on to Deer lake, but again they were all full. Somewhere along the way we lost the PA folks so we were on our own, trying to find a place to stop.

I need to mention that Cleve and I had said from the start of this trip that we would not drive at night due to the moose issues we had heard so much about. So, here we were still on the road as the sun went down. Luckily it stays light later up here but by 10:30 it was just plain dark! I was mad that we didn't keep our original plans so I was not saying much. Cleve was mad that I was not supporting him- so we had a "near divorce experience" as we made our way in the night watching for moose and looking for a place to say. Our pace was slow, near 40MPH so even tractor trailers were passing us- that was a first! We finally found a place in Rocky Harbor, at about 11:30! Below you will see photos of the ferry and sights as we entered Newfoundland.

  Harborfront B&B
lining up for the ferry

going in to the belly of the ferry

coming to Port aux Basque in Newfoundland

twin peaks!

That is all for now- will be traveling the Viking Trail so will be back with more photos!!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

St. Peter's to N. Sydney (Cape Breton) Nova Scotia

Our weather could not have been better! It was actually in the mid-60's when we headed out. If you have read my previous blogs, you know that is pretty warm for around here! We were on Cape Breton and planned to check in tour B&B in N. Sydney and then head to the Cabot Trail. We were only 1 1/2 hours from there. We met Heather, the owner and unloaded the bike and headed out to the trail. we heard from many we were in for a treat, and they were right!! Check out just a few of sights we saw on the Cabot Trail. We toured all day, from about 11:00 to 6:30. We found a place for dinner and headed back to our room. We are staying in the Harbourview B&B- within sight of the ferry we will take to Newfoundland tomorrow.

Cleve in a scarecrow outfit- you don't find these in Virginia!!

It has been a great trip so far- Newfoundland here we come!!

Halifax to St. Peter's, Nova scotia

 The next part of our trip would take us from Halifax to St. Peter's Nova Scotia. We were heading to Cape Breton. It was a nice warm morning (mid50"s) and little fog, so that was a good thing! Lunch was at a grocery store in New Glasgow- our favorite stop for lunch. We cruised into St. Peter's around dinner time and settled in to a cute cabin- hardwood floors, big window overlooking the water. We checked out the restaurants in town (2) and had a beer in one and dinner in another- spread the wealth!! Back at our cute little cabin, we read a bit and turned in. Tuesday would be longer as we travel to North Sydney and ride Cabot's trail around the tip of Cape Breton

scenery between Halifax and St. Peter's

Our cabin in St. Peter's

Cleve and Ranger Rick
View from our window!

Lighthouse in St. Peter's

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Yarmouth to Halifax, Nova Scotia

Today, Sunday June 26, we left Yarmouth in the fog again, and cool temperatures in the low 50's. By mid-afternoon it reached the 60's. We came along the coast for a while on Rt. 3, but it was slow going. Numerous fishing villages but little else there. We got back on Rt. 103 which was a bit faster. We stopped in Mahone Bay as was suggested by someone in Yarmouth and had lunch. We continued along 103 until we neared Peggy's Cove, which we read was a must see- location. Check out the photos attached. This spot was beautiful- we walked all over the rocks to view the ocean. By late afternoon we arrived in Halifax. We were supposed to satay on campus at Delhousie University but realized it was too far away from the waterfront area, So we checked in to the Radisson- pretty fancy compared to how we usually travel, but I am not complaining!!

Interesting yard display- nothing like this at home!
Saltyspray restaurant in Mahone Bay

Standing on boulders at Peggy's Cove

Climbing on the boulders

Lighthouse at Peggy's Cove

Another wonderful view of the Lighthouse
Stay tuned for more travels tomorrow- providing we have wifi. Last night's motel advertised having it but I could only get one bar!

Truro to Yarmouth

We left Truro Saturday morning, in foggy damp weather in the 50's. By afternoon it warmed up to the upper 50's and we even got a glimpse of the sun. We rolled into Yarmouth around 4:30 and stopped for gas. As Cleve was pumping, I mentioned that I heard thunder. He ignored it and said no it was just cars crossing the bridge near-by. I then said that I saw lightening and he said no, it wasn't lightening. We began to look for our hotel, "The Midtown", and had some trouble fining the street. It began to rain a bit, as I went into an information building to get directions. Cleve was very uncertain about this place, because when he made the reservations, the man on the phone said "you want to stay here?" It was pouring by the time I came out and we went on to find the place in a torrent of rain, thunder and lightening. We did not take the time to put our rain gear on, so by the time we found it we were soaked! From the outside the place did not look so good, but as we found out with our last room at the Rainbow motel, sometimes they look better inside. So, Cleve asked for a key to just look at the room. He came back to the office and nicely said we'd be movin'on! We left two big puddles of water behind!! So, we continued riding through the storm and found a nice motel nearby, the Lake Lawn Motel, in Yarmouth. After settling in, we took a long walk to pick up dinner and wine and returned to the room to have our dinner.

Unpacking for the night- see Ranger Rick? He had a rough time weathering the storm
The Lake Lawn Motel Office

Friday, June 24, 2011


More photos from Canada-
view of low tide at the bay of Fundy
entering the province of Nova Scotia

Cape Cod to Canada

We left mom's house on Thursday morning. The weather was cool and damp. Fortunately we did not hit rain, but lots of fog and mist. We decided to make it past Bangor,Maine and on to Calais, Maine, just on the Canadian border. We found a cozy motel where other friendly motorcyclists were staying. Within walking distance was restaurant where we had dinner. The waitress was very friendly! Next morning (this morning) we were up and out early, trying to beat the rain. We had great weather, sunny an no rain. It stayed in the 60's all day as we made our way through New Brunswick and into Nova Scotia. We made  it to the Rainbow Motel in Nova Scotia around 6:30 and had time to get a bite to eat before heading out to watch the tide come in. It moves very rapidly!

Cleve and Ranger Rick entering Maine

Our motel in Calais, Maine

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Chatham and Pirayes Cove

The day was warm and the smell of the ocean fantastic. We hiked about 4 miles around the historic village of Chatham. Big Money!!Hope all is well with everyone.
view off coast of Chatham

Nobody does mini-golf like Pirates Cove!
Shark fishing!
Ahoy mateys!! Look what we found!

Wednesday June 23, 2011

We spent most of the day walking around Chatham, MA. It is a beautiful town on the water with seals lounging on a sand bardge off the shore.            

Monday, June 20, 2011

Dalton, Mass. to Cape Cod Mass.

duck family on Windsor Pond

favorite stop in Williamsburg, MA

dunes at Provincetown
looking at Provincetown

tasting S. African coleslaw- yum yum!!

water off Provincetown
harbor view

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Saturday touring the "old" places

Today we took a ride through some old places where I grew up in Massachusetts and Vermont. Pictures are of the house where I was raised and  my grandparents house in N. Adams. Also the house and school in Stamford Vermont where I lived and went to school.  Check out the sign where it says the school was the school, town office and  library!!  It was  grades 1-8, one class at each grade level and we had to go to high school in Massachusetts. It was beautiful riding weather!

house on E. Quincy St. in N. Adams, MA

grandparent's house on same street- in much better condition!
home in Stamford, VT- looks beautiful!
grade school in Stamford, VT

Virginia to Massachusetts in a Day!

Morning to Good Comrades!!!!
Hit the road at 8am in fair skies. I already miss my dogs. Anyway, we stopped off in Hershey Park for free chocolate and good coffee. We were doing good until I realized my co-pilot and I missed the 287 beltway and saw the Holland Tunnel into New York. Quick turn off interstate landed us in the arm-pit of the state of  New Jersey, Newark. El remarked we should keep our full face helmets down since we were the minority-scary section of the city. After 2 hours back on interstate we did not stop to put on rain gear and paid the price of cold wet clothes. We stopped in Newburgh, NY and put on dry clothes. What a difference!! We arrived at the Shamrock Motel, Dalton, Mass.Beautiful morning here.