Sunday, June 10, 2018

First full day on the road

Yesterday, we left home mid-morning headed for Kathryn and Bean’s house in Redford. But, I need to give some background info. We had Killian all week and on Monday night he got sick (throw up and diarrhea kind). Three days prior to that a little girl spent the night at his house had gotten sick. I thought nothing of it until three days later, last Thursday, I came down the the same thing- very sick all day Thursday. Three days later, today, Cleveland came down with it. He was fine yesterday but woke up around 3:00 a.m. this morning. He didn’t, have the throw up part but the rest of it he has- aching, headache, chills, stomachache and diarrhea! We still made it to Chattanooga where he is napping while I am eating alone in a diner. My appetite is back! He hopes to rally so we can see Ruby Falls later today.

Monday, April 2, 2018

Colonial Park Cemetary, Savannah GA

This is a beautiful cemetary that has a good number of raised plots as well as underground plots. Many were victims of yellow fever including a couple of doctors that were treating them. It was closed in1853, no burials since then.

Charleston,SC to Savannah, GA

Both of these pictures are of the Angel Oak tree, 400 year old Virginia Live Oak located  just south of Charleston, SC. It is massive and beautiful. Many branches have had some added supports to keep them from snapping. They are so long they reach the ground and are hollow inside. It would be a great climbing tree but it is not allowed- you are allowed to hug it and rub it!

From there we headed to Savannah, GA and did another 8+ miles of sightseeing. It is very to get around on foot. The historic section has 23 separate squares, each with a fountain, statue or feature. They are all very pretty and plenty of park benches to sit and enjoy.


Sunday, April 1, 2018

Charleston, SC

We got in around 11:30 but our room at the Days Inn was not ready. We parked and she off on foot to see this beautiful historic city. It is very walkable and easy to get around. We put on 6.5 miles looking at parks, gardens and shops. By 4:30 we were able to get into our room where we cleaned up and relaxed before dinner.

Beginning Spring break 2018

We are headed south this year. First night out we spent with Joe and Sheila in Sunset Beach, NC. We had a good beer at a nearby brewery, had pizza and sat outside around the fire pit. It was good seeing them!