Sunday, June 10, 2018

First full day on the road

Yesterday, we left home mid-morning headed for Kathryn and Bean’s house in Redford. But, I need to give some background info. We had Killian all week and on Monday night he got sick (throw up and diarrhea kind). Three days prior to that a little girl spent the night at his house had gotten sick. I thought nothing of it until three days later, last Thursday, I came down the the same thing- very sick all day Thursday. Three days later, today, Cleveland came down with it. He was fine yesterday but woke up around 3:00 a.m. this morning. He didn’t, have the throw up part but the rest of it he has- aching, headache, chills, stomachache and diarrhea! We still made it to Chattanooga where he is napping while I am eating alone in a diner. My appetite is back! He hopes to rally so we can see Ruby Falls later today.

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