Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Bryce Canyon NP

Today we spent a very cold day touring Bryce Canyon. Temperatures were in the 20's so were were not prepared to hike. We drove the length of the park (it is small) and checked out the look-out points. The sights were just beautiful- it it were just 10-15 degrees warmer we might have hiked a bit.
First, are pictures of the trip from Zion to Bryce. We had snow showers for most of the day. The tunnel is the longest in the National Park system. It has windows cut into the side where you can look out, but are not allowed to stop.

 Below is Checkerboard Mesa- can you see why??

Next are pictures taken inside Bryce Canyon NP. The tall structures are called hoodoos and they are everywhere in the park. I could have posted 20-30 more but that might have been a bit much!

Tomorrow we will head for Grand canyon NP!! We will spend two nights there and head for home late Saturday night.

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