Saturday, April 4, 2015

Touring Death Valley NP

We left Beatty, NV and headed to Scotty's Castle in Death Valley NP. One the way we passed a huge dried lake bed and had to check it out- wow! It was flat, smooth and no obstacles and went for what seemed like miles.

Next we went to Scotty's Castle, a beautiful spanish style house built in the middle of the desert.

We then headed for Mosaic Canyon near Stovepipe Wells Village. We passed Ubehebe Crater, a huge 600 foot deep crater left by a volcano 2 thousand years ago.Once we reached the Mosaic Canyon, we hiked about 4 miles round trip through narrow passes and then wide open dry river beds.

Our last stop in the park was Darwin Falls just outside of Panamint Springs. It is about a mile into a canyon and all of a sudden there is lush vegetation that grew as a result of the waterfall. It is surrounded by desert terrain. We were able to watch a group of women repel down the falls into the very cold pool of water at the bottom!

Tonight we are in Bishop, CA- very nice town and it has a brewery that opened last fall. They had black IPA!! What a way to end the day.

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