Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Moab, UT by jeep

We picked up our jeep last evening so we could leave early this morning. We stopped at the grocery store and picked up water and snacks for the days' ride. They recommended a gallon per person for the day. They provided a cooler, ice and a couple of 16 oz. bottles of water. There were a few rules: no more 150 miles, no riding on "forbidden" trails, have it back by 6:00 p.m. today cleaned off and refueled. We headed off this morning about 8:00 with our supplies and a map of the "approved" trails.

We started on Gemini Bridges Trail, followed by Schafer Trail and we finished with Hurrah Pass Trail. We had the jeep back cleaned up, filled up with 10 minutes to spare. so, we were in the canyons riding around for 91/2 hours. The temperature started in the eighties, and climbed throughout the day reaching a high of 104 degrees. We drove, walked to sights, drank lots of water, snacked, and then swam in the Colorado River.

At the point where Thelma and Louise made their drive off the cliff, we had stopped and met a fellow from California named Brian. He was traveling with three others in two vehicles. Cleve saw his shirt that had an IPA logo and commented on it. Next thing you know we were given a beer from Three Floyds Brewery in Indiana, one called the Pliney Elder from a brewery in California and one from The Heady Topper out of Waterbury VT. It took a huge amount of restraint from having one right then and there, but it wasn't the time or temperature to have one. I am having one right now as I type this blog- it was worth the wait!!

The scenery was amazing and so different from seeing it from the canyon floor (eventually). We would drive down a steep trail and think we were there on the bottom, but really we were just on one of many plateaus on the way down. The pictures below are great, but just don't capture what we actually saw and experienced today. I would recommend this tour to anyone. Ignore the expense and do it!!


 Below you see Cleve navigating Gemini Bridges which I crossed (on foot) in front off him. He got part way across and had to crawl the rest! It was extremely high.

 Below is Brian the beer guy we met- we really need to "pay it forward!"

 This is a potash lake in the canyon- they are bright blue and beautiful.

Below is one of several kids that were jumping into the Colorado River- we opted to swim in it, but not jump!! It was a long way down and I feared losing my contact lens in the river!!
 This is one of many Indian Art examples seen on rock faces throughout the canyon
 Yup- this is a house built into the rock wall. We saw several of these in our travels today.

Tomorrow we will leave Moab and head to Durango, Co. We'd like to ride the train to Silverton. Stay tuned for more!!

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