Sunday, July 9, 2017

Mt. Rainier

We left Seattle and headed towards Mt. Rainier. This is our second visit here but we didn't hike the last time. We went to Sunrise visitor center first and got a good recommendation from one of the rangers. Our hike took us past Frozen Lake and on to Fremont Tower. It was about 61/2 miles but not as steep as the hike at Mt. Walker yesterday- about 1,000 feet elevation climb. Lots of snow, mountain goats in the distance, one marmot and lots of chipmunks. The wildflowers were in full bloom and beautiful!
 That white thing ahead of us is Mt. Rainier!

 Frozen Lake- a ranger told us that people went swimming in it yesterday so they had to further rope it off today!

Look at this furry marmot.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! Enjoying seeing the pictures and reading your blog.
