Thursday, July 6, 2017

Seattle self-guided tour

Destination.....Pikes Place to shop and browse the market and vendors. We had the best yogurt ever at Ellenos, so good that we went back for a second cup! The first was with granola and the second was raspberry ginger, so yummy. Next, we met up with John and went to Fremont for more sights. Dinner was at a seafood restaurant (I, however, ordered a grilled cheese) and Cleveland finally had a dungeness crab for the first time along with a variety of oysters.

Starbucks first store is below- the line was so surprisingly short we we able to get a coffeethere in less than 15 minutes.

We checked out the troll under the bridge in Fremont and even went to the mall- Brookstone has the ultimate massage chairs.

look at those kids!!

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