Sunday, July 24, 2011

There's no place like HOME!

We made it back home, safely, on Friday morning. We were up very early and on the road at 5:50 determined to beat the heat. We were greeted by our German Sheppard, Sadie, who did not hold a grudge for us leaving for so long. She never did come out of hiding when our neighbor came to check on her.It felt great to get back, and begin collecting the dogs. We unpacked and headed to town to restock the fridge, and then to Lynette and Tim's to pick up Winnie and Bert.. Both remembered us and were happy to see us. Once we got them settled, we went to Luray to pick up Ernie. He had a great vacation with the kids!! Later that night, Adam brought Maggie home from Roanoke, and then we were a complete family once again.

Five weeks is a ling time to let the grass grow and wisteria to go untamed! We spent all of Saturday weeding, mowing and pruning.Our neighbor did a great job taking care of our flower boxes and watering the plants, so we came home to living plants!!

Check out this wisteria plant- it is out of control!! It looks like it is reaching out to grab something!!

Sadie was so happy to see us.

Winnie was grinning from ear to ear!!

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This is a map showing the trip. It is missing s few details but shows the majority of  the places where we traveled. Final mileage was near 8,000!! A huge thanks goes to Adam who did this for us- love you and thanks!!

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