Friday, July 12, 2013

Gold Beach, Oregon to Union Creek, Oregon: Crater Lake

We headed to Crater lake this morning, figuring on a 21/2 hour ride. It was a poorly marked road that was partially gravel (yikes) and took closer to 4 hours. We thought we were in the true wilderness for a long time as the road continued filled with turns and hills and we were totally alone. Eventually we saw another car or two, and were assured we were on the right road. As luck sometimes happens, the one time we stopped to take a woodland potty break, an Oregon Forester came along. I was right at the edge of the road 'cause I figured no one was around and I didn't want to risk sitting in poison ivy. He came around a bend and stopped to see if we needed help. I had no where to hide! If he got a look he never let on!!

Crater Lake was beautiful. We were here in 2010 and took the boat ride. Today, Cleve has been fighting a cold and it was cold and windy. So we checked out the lodge, drove around the rim and headed to a very cozy rustic resort, Union Creek. We found it on the internet and had made reservations.

Below you will see Crater Lake from various views around the rim, as well as the mountain views from the rim. The blue water you see is really that blue- it comes from snow and rain, no spring water at all. No fish live in it either. It was formed 7,700 years ago when Mt. Mazama erupted. It is now the deepest lake in our nation and thought to be the cleanest body of water in the world. It is a little over 1,900 feet deep and measures 41/2 to 6 miles in  width.

We saw three military helicopters fly over the lake- very cool! What a view they must have,.
 View of Wizards Island, below



 Look at the rock in the water on the far left- that is Phantom Ship
 Closer look at Phantom Ship
Climbing the snow bank in full gear is not easy!!

 Yup- I am sitting in a snow bank!
Below is the Union Creek Lodge- we have a room upstairs in the back. It is very rustic with European style bathrooms- we share with others on the floor!

 Great restaurant across rom the lodge
Waiting to be called in- it is a very small dining area!

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