Thursday, July 25, 2013

Vancouver, BC to Republic, WA

We left Vancouver this morning and headed east. John called this morning (1:40 a.m.) to say Peggy was just starting labor. We traveled throughout the day waiting to hear news of the birth. As of this writing, no birth but it has to be close! She was dilated a bit over 8 cm's just a while ago.

Today we drove out of the city, into the very hot (101 degrees) desert area of BC, crossed the boarder at Nighthawk, WA into the cooler Okanogan National Forest and into Republic, WA.

 Cowboy Coffee- great cup of joe!

Spotted Lake- some of the richest mineral deposits in the world! Native Americans currently own the rights and it is fenced off from the public so you can't actually walk down to it.


 Back to the USA! but no fanfare at this station- one guy, all alone.

 Long forgotten homesteads along the way.

 Remnants of gold mining- you can see people camping and mining along the river.
 Here is our stop for the night.
 Of course, there are saloons complete with saloon doors!
Tomorrow we continue east through Idaho and into Montana. I am sure baby boy Jones will arrive anytime now!!

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