Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Albuquerque to Taos, NM

Today was a day of waiting: to see if the needed part arrived, if they would still have time to get the work completed. We took a long walk around the area of our hotel, read and watched t.v. Until finally we heard from the shop at 1:00 that the part had arrived and it was being worked on. So, off to the shop we went around 1:30. They took a while so we sat even more until finally, at 4:30 we were back on the road heading north.

Because of the late start, we got as far as Taos, NM. It was 7:00 and storms were moving in fast. We had to make a quick hotel choice so we used our new IPhones to search, find and book a room! We had barely unpacked when the storms hit from two different directions. They erhuge storm system that left a beautiful double rainbow.

We are so happy to have our bike back!
On the way to Taos we followed the Rio Grande for a while.
These next few are taken along rt. 68 to Taos, NM

I love taking shadow pictures!!
We got to the hotel as the storms closed in and it got dark.

Then came the rain.
And then...... came a gorgeous double rainbow- check it out!

We could see where it begins/ends.

We are hoping the storms will be done soon so we can go get some dinner- we are not within walking distance of Taos Plaza, so we'll have to hop on the bike to get there.

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