Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Yellowstone NP to Billings, MT via Beartooth Pass

On the road again, this time to Billings, MT where the BMW rally is behing held. We headed back into YNP past Old Faithful, around Yellowstone Lake, through Canyon Village and out of the park via the NE  entrance/exit. We saw very little wildlife until today, just an occasional elk cow. But today, we saw buffalo by the herd!  Several were very close! On Beartooth Pass we saw a group of mountain goats, a marmot and tons of chipmunks.

Yellowstone Lake

Into the meadows where we begin to spot herds is buffalo.

This big fellow crossed the road In front of us and then just stood on the side of the road.

Several clusters were very close to the road.

Goodbye YNP-

Heading through a couple of small towns, then on to Beartooth Pass.

It got a bit chilly on top, but no rain.

Views are amazing up here.

These goats almost blend in with the rocks- I almost missed them!

How many can you see in this photo?

Tomorrow we will head to the rally.

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