Saturday, July 4, 2015

Amarillo, Texas to Santa Fe, NM

This morning we headed out early for New Mexico. The day started on I-40 but at Tucumcaret, NM we hopped on Rt. 104, a very scenic ride to Las Vegas NM and then on to Santa Fe where we will be for  two nights. It is a quaint town with a heavy Spanish influence full of adobe homes and businesses. There are numererous art galleries, jewelry boutiques and vendors set up all around West Palace Plaza. Some places are almost hidden behind others and you have to go through narrow allies and corridors to find them. The landscaping is beautiful as well- lots of sage. Temperatures have been in the upper 70's and low 80's all day- perfect for riding and walking the streets. We have to remember that we are now on mountain time- two hours behind home. Below are some photos of scenic Rt. 104  and the the town of Santa Fe.

Great IPA nade in Albuquerque, NM
The Catherdral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi
Sculptures are everywhere!
The oldest church in the USA-

The oldest house inthe USA-

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